"Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness" Acts 14:17

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shirred Eggs

I love days off, when we sleep in a little and take time to cook and enjoy breakfast together.  Shirred eggs is great for a late breakfast.  It's quick and effortless, with little clean-up.  And, man, is it good!  It's eggs baked in salty prosciutto or ham topped with rich cream and cheese.  I think the dish is traditionally made with swiss cheese, but we most often have parmesan in the frig, so that's what we use.  

Tonight, I made it for dinner, inspired by some cute little ramekins that hubby bought me from the market. This is a recipe that we picked up from hubby's stint at the Art Institute, and it has been a staple ever since.

If you going to serve this with something, make sure it is acidic, because this dish is very rich.  Tonight I had it with some tomatoes tossed with olive oil and herbs and a piece of toast.

 Shirred Eggs
heavy cream
parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 325.  Butter one ramekin for each person you plan on serving.  The ramekins need to be big enough to hold two eggs.  Line the ramekins with prosciutto.  

Tonight I used ham, because that's what I had, but prosciutto is best.  

Crack two eggs into each ramekin.  Salt and pepper the top and put them in the oven until the eggs just set - about eight minutes.  Remove them from the oven and top with about a tablespoon of heavy cream and some shredded cheese.  Return to oven until cheese melts. Easy peasy.